Sunday, September 25, 2011

New craziness

Okay, I am back to the place where I can relax the most, but so far, it is still crazy. It's all related to "new" - new stuff, new places, new directions. It's all good too, but making me crazy.

First - new Refrigerator
Remember the fiasco when we returned to Florida to discover a broken fridge, permeating our place with the smell of rotted squid? We had to toss the contents, which included our normal pantry items.

Fast forward to this week, we have a lovely new fridge, but it is empty. As is the pantry. So we have spent several shopping trips trying to find the "perfect" storage containers for flour, spices, on and on. We have lots more to do.

Second - new laptop
In a moment of brilliance, I decided to get a second laptop, so I can have one in Michigan and one in Florida. Honestly, I am tired of hauling a computer between places. I copied all of our important files to Amazon's Cloud, so I can access them from both places. So here I am, a gal who spends hours a day on-line, with a brand spankin' new laptop- with a new version of Windows and Office to get familiar with, and a naked laptop. I need to set up everything - printer, all my websites, passwords, on and on. Shoot me.

Third - new iPad2
Now this was just stupid. I decided to get the new iPad, so TanMan can have my old one. OMG - I spent hours getting iTunes software loaded (remember the naked laptop?), then getting the first iPad synced up, then trying to get those same apps on the new iPad with all of the associated files. The worst part of my panic??? I am on level 19 of The Smurfs, and couldn't imagine starting over!!

Fourth- new places
TanMan and I leave next Monday for a vacation to Cambodia and Vietnam. I am excited about the trip, but didnt realize I needed to get Visas for both countries. Because I started the process with less than 45 days before the trip, we had extra fees. Seriously, $500 in fees.

We also need a few new vaccines to visit these countries. Again I delayed in getting the Typhoid vaccines for us, ($110 not covered by insurance, really, would you rather I get typhoid?) so now we won't have the full amount of time to build our immunity. Some pharmacist I am, right?

Fifth- New Directions
Things are changing with my beloved business, KalamazooKnits. I am not quite ready to announce the change, but suffice it to say, it is making me a little crazy too!

1 comment:

Judi A. said...

I feel your pain with the new laptop and different Windows, etc. I went through that when we bought the laptop for Christmas. Hate to tell you, but I'm still trying to figure things out! I was able to transfer favorites and other desired info from the back-up passbook, which helped a lot, but...
Wondered why Viet Nam. My husband left for there 9 months after we were married and was there for a year - yup, military. We've always thought it would be nice to go back and enable him to see it now, but due to some physical issued (a couple thanks to exposure to Agent Orange) I don't think that's going to happen. Will be looking forward to your report and pictures. Hope you are able to get all in order and that thereafter things go smoothly. :-)